Our Pastor
our pastor:

A. L. Zollicoffer
Senior Pastor
Reverend A. L. Zollicoffer was born and raised in Milwaukee Wisconsin the seventh child of fourteen siblings Zollicoffer was united in matrimony to Miss Stephanie Goodman; and to this union came three sons, one daughter, and eleven wonderful grandchildren. He served faithfully as Chairman of the Trustees and Deacon Board at Macedonia Baptist Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin under the leadership of the late Pastor, Reverend Floyd Taylor. Reverend Zollicoffer relocated to Marietta Georgia in 1989.
He accepted his call into the ministry and was licensed in October 1990 and ordained in May 1991. Reverend Zollicoffer served as Interim Pastor for one year and Assistant Pastor for three years at Big Bethel Baptist Church is currently known as Gathering of the Champions under the leadership of Pastor, Reverend Carver L. Bryant. In 1994 Reverend Zollicoffer was called to pastor at New Friendship Missionary Baptist Church where he is currently serving.
He attended Carver Bible Institute for two years then attended Beulah Heights University, where he graduated with an AA in Christian Counseling and a BA in Biblical Education. He is also a certified teacher of COPP (Certificate of Progress Program). Reverend Zollicoffer has been involved in several Community Service organizations such as UNIFEST, Inc.-Treasurer; Georgia Missionary Baptist Convention (GMBC), 7th District Atlanta Georgia Layman Advisory Department; Cobb County Ministerial Alliance, Teacher; NAACP and SCLC Member. Reverend Zollicoffer also served as Assistant Dean of the Friendship Missionary Baptist Association of Christian Education from 1998 to 2006, then as Dean from 2007 to 2015. In October 2014, he was elected Moderator of the Friendship Missionary Baptist Association and is faithfully serving in that position.
Guiding Scripture: Matthew 28:19 and 20; go ye therefore, and teach All Nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you, even until the end of the world. Amen.